There are certain themes that we continually revisit, like “food.” As has been noted before: the Bible begins with food:“…You shall have them for food.” Genesis 1:29 the fall centers around food,“…for in the day that you eat of it you…
We met for the third installment of our All Saints leadership training on Tuesday morning to continue our study of 1 Timothy 3 and our Biblical instruction on church leadership. Our focus was Scripture and its teaching on "responsibility.” Pastor…
Amuse-Bouche/ä-müz-büsh/, nounEtymology: French, literally, (it) entertains (the) mouthA small morsel of food to excite the taste buds; often serves as a hint to the chef’s cooking style and the meal to come. The Creative Research Laboratory (CRL) introduces Amuse-Bouche, a…
"Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task." 1 Timothy 3:1 We met as a group on Tuesday morning for the second installment our All Saints officer training. Our…
Over the past week I have been trying to digest my recent trip to Peru. It’s difficult to do so sometimes because of the pace at which we live. A week in Peru, then right back to life and work…
As I got ready for the Women’s wine and cheese I glanced over the evite one last time to make sure I would know enough people to get me through the evening. Though the majority of “my group” wasn’t going,…