Wine & the PMF rule of healthful drinking
Friends, The Bible mentions wine a lot. Consider: Prov. 20:1; Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise. John 2:9-10; When the master of the feast tasted the water now…

Emergency Response: Report from Food for the Hungry
Ben Homan, President of Food for the Hungry, preached at All Saints earlier this spring. He recently sent the following update to us concerning the cyclone disaster in Myanmar. Food for the Hungry has been serving the church in Myanmar…

Ministry Interview: Todd Stewman & Benjie Slaton
Todd Stewman and Benjie Slaton are both campus ministers at the University of Texas at Austin. Todd heads up Campus Crusade at UT and Benjie leads Reformed University Fellowship (RUF). Both ministers attend All Saints, and I sat down with…

Redefining an old problem: A review of Atonement by R. Greg Grooms
In The Death of Satan: How Americans have lost the sense of evil Andrew Delbanco puts a new spin on an old problem: "A gulf has opened up in our culture between the visibility of evil and the intellectual resources…

Growing Weary in Well Doing
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.Galatians 6:8-10.Or, to put it another way; how do I avoid getting to a place of such…

Piedras Negras Mission Trip Photos
Hi, my name is Topher. I’ve been attending All Saints since September and recently became a member this Easter. I was in Piedras Negras this past week with others from the church. Currently I’m working with CrossRoads Missions to develop…

Denominational Renewal
A few weeks ago Bill took part in A Conversation on Denominational Renewal in St. Louis. He joined a handful of other PCA pastors, each addressing a different aspect of their hopes for the church. Bill spoke on Worship, and…