Denominational Renewal
A few weeks ago Bill took part in A Conversation on Denominational Renewal in St. Louis. He joined a handful of other PCA pastors, each addressing a different aspect of their hopes for the church. Bill spoke on Worship, and the audio files from all the talks recently became available here. (Listening to Bill’s talk provides some clues to the food related books listed to the right on this blog.)
You may notice that the audio files are hosted by Park Slope Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn. All Saints has a particular connection to Park Slope in that Jamison and Laura Galt (he’s a pastor there) both spent time in Austin before heading to seminary and then to New York, and we have supported his participation in Redeemer Manhattan’s church planting Fellows’ program.
Bill’s talk was great! You should definitely all listen to it. And since I was mentioned in this post, I’ll put in a plug: Come visit us in Brooklyn, too! Just be sure to bring some Maudie’s or something…