Give away some of your stuff?
“Give away some of your stuff. See how it feels,” says Tammy Strobel in a widely read article from the New York Times, But Will It Make You Happy? The article explains how a growing number of Americans are attempting…
Andy Crouch, Mick Jagger, & C.S. Lewis
I’ve had a hard time not taking personally Bill’s musings on Andy Crouch these past three weeks. Yes, the generation of which I am a member – Boomers – is the generation that elevated instant gratification to the chief place…
From Purchases to Practices
“With their quick reliable hits of satisfaction, purchases are seductive. Building our life around them almost guarantees that we will never take the risk of embracing practices, which call us to long sustained difficulties and deferred gratification. But if we…
About power
Andy Crouch, author of "Culture Making," is at work on a new book about creative power. What does it mean to have creative power in a culture or society … for Christians? What temptations does it present? What possibilities? He's…
Artifacts of the culture
Harry Potter. Seems like not a Tim sermon goes by that Harry Potter doesn't get mentioned. Now it seems Tim is a part of a larger trend. This article from the Boston Globe explains that Harry is receiving a more…
Everywhere and nowhere
I’m not that old. Some would even say young. Just turned 33. And yet I was a junior in college when I sent my first email. Around that time, a close friend explained that it was possible to see images…

2008 backyard concert & picnic; by Raine Pipkin
As believers, we often talk about the “already/not yet” of the Kingdom of God; that we are already saved and that the Kingdom is advancing, but that things are not yet restored to the fullness and glory that God intends…