A Theology of the Imagination: a review of The Life of Pi
Who is God? Ask a secular friend and his/her answers may surprise you. Yes, it is possible to be secular and a deist. According to Christian Smith, Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at Notre…

gospel of the trees
The Gospel Of The Trees | by Alan Jacobs The Bible is a story about trees. It begins, or nearly enough, with two trees in a garden: the Tree of Life, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil….
Living on the Other Side of the Line
One of the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer’s “Schaefferisms”—terms he coined that he was particularly fond of– was “the line of despair.” If you want to understand it as he meant it, you will need to read a little of his…
Discussion Questions for The Social Network
1) While they’re still fresh, discuss your first impressions of The Social Network. What images or dialogue from the film linger in your mind? What does it leave you thinking about? 2) One reviewer dubbed TSN, Five Angry Men. Who…
2 Videos
1. Eric Metaxas discusses Bonheoffer. 8 minutes, here. 2. Tim Keller and author Gabe Lyons discuss The Next Christians: waterbrookmultnomah on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free
2011 Growth in Grace Cancelled
Our annual Growth in Grace event is cancelled due to inclement weather. Refunds will be made available. Please contact the office if you have questions (office@allsaintsaustin.org). Thanks.
How Reading the Bible Can Make You Liberal
Fear not! This isn’t another tirade on the proper mixing of religions and politics. It is instead a brief commentary on yet another odd academic study. To wit, the 2007 Baylor Religion Survey in which Americans were asked, among other…