Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, 1936-2009
At All Saints we emphasize speaking the truth in love. We want to love those around us and so we present the truth, but we do not assume that it is love to water down the truth either. Simply put,…
A Grace Disguised
Following Sunday’s sermon, several people asked me about Jerry Sittser’s book, A Grace Disguised. Here is a further excerpt, one which has lodged itself in my mind because of its truthful ring. We will have copies of the book available…
Treatise against Intellectual-ism
One of the best ways to learn theology is to read it as it was written – from the top. So today when I saw a copy of Tertullian’s “Treatise Against Hermogenes” at Half-Price Books for $4.98 I bought it. …

Three Cups of Tea
If you want to thrive in Balistan, you must respect our ways. Haji Ali said, blowing on his bowl. The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you share a cup of…

The Shack
In the book of Judges, chapter 6, the angel of the Lord comes to Gideon as he is threshing wheat, hiding from the enemy Midianites. The angel tells Gideon that the Lord is with him. Gideon’s reply: "But sir, if…

2 books & a letter
We will have two book reviews from members of the All Saints community in the coming weeks. In case you want to read up beforehand, here are the books. Acedia and Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writers Life by…

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
“Everybody is reading it.” Hyperbole or not, this claim about a book gives us cause to consider: should we read it? If a book has woven itself into the fabric of our culture, become a topic of discussion, resulted in…