The end of art & the school of life
First Things has an article by Roger Kimball entitled The End of Art. If you’re interested in art and its interaction with religion, you might enjoy Kimball’s essay. Here’s a taste: "By the nineteenth century, art had long been free…

Amuse-Bouche/ä-müz-büsh/, nounEtymology: French, literally, (it) entertains (the) mouthA small morsel of food to excite the taste buds; often serves as a hint to the chef’s cooking style and the meal to come. The Creative Research Laboratory (CRL) introduces Amuse-Bouche, a…

Mary Grace the Neurotic
“The book struck her directly over her left eye.” If I had a Top 5 Fiction Sentences list, which I probably should, this would be on it. Recently I re-read Flannery O’Connor’s short story “Revelation,” a story about people in…

Through a glass, darkly?
All Saints lacks a building, let alone stained glass windows. Quite the opposite is true in Europe where two new stained glass works have been crafted by two of the world’s foremost contemporary artists, Gerhard Richter and Sigmar Polke. Richter’s…
Arts Wannabe
Last week’s Transforming Culture Arts conference hosted by the Hill Country Institute for Contemporary Christianity was a bittersweet experience for me. Sweet in that I got the chance be instructed by some extraordinarily wise brothers and sisters–Eugene Peterson, Lucy Shaw,…