As much as I love the St. Gabriel's "gymanctuary", I long for All Saints to find a more permanent place to call home. And based on comments by many others in our body, I have the sense that I am…
Slovakia. I just can’t get it out of my head. My heart won’t seem to let go. I didn’t expect that to be the case when I signed up to work at an English Camp along with another member of…
Camp All Saints wraps up the summer term this Sunday. See the summer that was, as chronicled by Kady and Sarah. Fall semester begins Sept. 13.
Wendell Berry is perhaps best known as a writer of essays and stories about community, stewardship, and the values that should undergird them. He is also the author of at least one somewhat unconventional love story: Jayber Crow. To be…
The pool party turns five. Thanks to everyone who came, and thanks to Alison and Melissa for taking some pictures. See them all here.
Expectations for what a church is and what it should do vary widely. Yet everybody has them. Perhaps it's that a church must have weekly communion. Or sing hymns. Or have a well-developed Sunday School. Short-term mission trips? Urban outreach?…
Imagine coming to a table crowded with your closest buddies. You are hungry, your appetites sharp, your anticipation high. So when the kitchen door opens everyone starts cheering, knowing what’s coming next. But instead of delivering a great meal, your…