The Nations. Here. Now.
This fall, thousands of international students from countries all over the world zipped up their 50lb checked bag, kissed their mothers goodbye, and headed halfway across the globe to this far away land known as Austin, Texas. Certainly wonder and…

The TIMO Philosophy
One way to describe the TIMO philosophy of cross-cultural ministry is that of “walking together.” We are called to “walk together” with the poor and oppressed following the model of Jesus’ incarnational ministry on earth. Christ moved toward the poor…
back story
2020 Vision video #2 – Domestic Church Planting from PCPC Video on Vimeo.

bifrost arts
Can you relate to this? You’ve just had a profound experience, and you’re attempting to explain it to someone. You fumble over the words, spending an inordinate amount of time plumbing the depths of your suddenly-creaking mind for the perfect…
The Jesus Storybook Bible
In last Sunday’s sermon, Tim made reference to “The Jesus Storybook Bible” by Sally Lloyd-Jones and the underlying theme of “every story whispers his name.” There is another recurring phrase that paints a beautiful picture of God’s redeeming work in…
Exodus Environmentalism
“It’s extraordinary, taking away the authority of the powers that be and demonstrating that to the whole nation, maybe most of all to the Hebrews, who themselves had been under Pharaoh’s power. Here is a huge wrecking ball: smash, smash,…