bifrost arts
Can you relate to this? You’ve just had a profound experience, and you’re attempting to explain it to someone. You fumble over the words, spending an inordinate amount of time plumbing the depths of your suddenly-creaking mind for the perfect adjective – any adjective, really, aside from “great!” “awesome!” or “greatly…um, awesome?!” You search the carpet, the ceiling, your friend’s expectant, though now-confused face, and then, stricken, you mutter, “Well, you had to be there.” You might as well just have drool coming out of your mouth.
That’s how I felt in early April after returning from St. Louis and Bifrost Arts’ “Liturgy, Music, and Space” Conference. This is not a good feeling for a songwriter. I had just experienced deep, spirit-filled worship, heard a tremendously stirring sermon by Bryan Chapell called “The Glory that Shapes Our Worship”, and drained my pen trying to capture some of the eloquence of Greg Thompson’s talk entitled, “The Order of Worship, The Order of Love.” And that was just on the first day… This was good good stuff. This was “why-we-do-what-we-do-at All Saints” stuff, and I just couldn’t adequately explain it to anyone when I got back to Austin.
So, you can imagine my utter joy, my giddy delight, even, when I discovered that Bifrostarts.com had not only recorded but started posting all of the above (and more, over the coming months) from the conference on their website. I no longer have to shame myself trying to tell anyone about this; I can just confidently say, “Seriously, don’t take my word for it – do yourself a favor and click HERE!“
David, it encourages me so much to know that there is a conference like this one. You do an amazing job leading us in both the form, pace, and order of musical worship. So glad you had such a great time and that now so many more are able to benefit from it!