Why The Church Goes To church
When C.S. Lewis was (re)converted to Christianity he wrestled with the question of whether or not he would join and participate in the worship and life of a local church. He writes: I thought that I could do it on…

All Saints Day
Halloween was yesterday; let the sugar hangovers for all our children begin! Today, Nov 1st, the day after the secular holiday of Halloween, marks a Holy Day in the Church – All Saints Day. (Halloween literally means Saints’ Eve, as…

On Suffering
Coming to Austin on Tuesday, September 25: Tullian Tchividjian will be at Austin Stone’s For the City Center to share the message of his soon-to-be-released book Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free. Tchividjian is a PCA pastor and writer in Ft. Lauderdale,…
Lent, Ash Wednesday, and All Saints
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and All Saints is offering two worship services so that, as a church, we may become more fully like the people spoken of by Jesus in his Beatitudes – “the poor in spirit,” “those who mourn,”…

On Keeping a Holy Lent
by: Pastor Craig Higgins http://www.trinitychurch.cc/Resources-For-Lent People from different religious backgrounds have very different reactions to the season of Lent. Some grow up in churches where Lent is observed, but with little to no real explanation. Whether observed as a time…
Lent, Ash Wednesday, and All Saints #3
How does the ancient liturgical practice of following the church calendar help us consciously step into the gospel, conforming us to Jesus and the shape and purpose of his life? I raised this question in my last blog, giving a…
Prayers of the People
First of all, I want to mention a brief word of thanks to all of the All Saints’ staff for the substantial work they put in over the last several months to bring our first Sunday of two services at two locations…