Knowing is for living


For 9 weeks this summer (June 7-August 2) we'll consider together
the fundamentals of "Reformed" Christian doctrine using Sinclair
Ferguson's book, The Christian Life, as our guide. The books
($5) are available on the book table, and everyone is invited to read
along. The book offers a highly readable survey of the "simple
essentials" of Christian doctrine. As J.I. Packer notes in the Preface:

"Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep, not his giraffes,
and this Dr. Ferguson does, bringing everything down to simple
essentials.  Christian beginners will get the benefit and the Lord's
older sheep, grown tough and stringy maybe, will find themselves
edified and perhaps tenderized too."

Sunday sermons and our Christian Education class after worship (led by Greg Grooms) will follow the same schedule.

will follow a Vacation Bible School curriculum, while maintaining
plenty of time for running and playing. Nursery staff will provide
extended care for children under 3. 

Don't worry
about missing a Sunday (or three…or four…). Take part when you're
in town, and keep reading on your own while away.