2008 backyard concert & picnic; by Raine Pipkin
As believers, we often talk about the “already/not yet” of
the Kingdom of God; that we are already saved and that the Kingdom is
advancing, but that things are not yet restored to the fullness and glory that
God intends and ultimately promises. In
the meantime, we are blessed with occasional foretastes of the glory that is to
come. For me, Tuesday night was one of
those glimpses into the beauty of community and the exercise of God’s gifts
that mark the Kingdom.
Martina Alvarez graciously opened her home for a backyard
picnic and concert featuring BettySoo, Austin Collins,
and David Lutes.
Many All Saints members and friends came out to ring in the summer with
music and fellowship. While we waited
for the music to begin, long tables began to sag under the weight of a
considerable picnic bounty: fried chicken, sausages, tamales, salads, beans,
slaws and fresh summer fruit galore. And
that’s not to mention the desserts: homemade pies, brownies, cookies, ice cream
and popsicles.
With Jon Patillo working
the sound board, BettySoo, Austin and David treated us to a sampling of their
own songs and ended the evening by harmonizing on some favorites, including
“The Weight” and “Let the Circle Be Unbroken.” Popsicle stained children played chase in the grass; adults with second
(or third) helpings of dessert talked with old friends and met new ones. The combination of music, fellowship,
laughter, fried chicken, and a canoe full of cold drinks gave me a sense of the
richness and beauty of the Kingdom and the possibility of community in the Body
of Christ.