Emergency Response: Report from Food for the Hungry
Ben Homan, President of Food for the Hungry, preached at All Saints earlier this spring. He recently sent the following update to us concerning the cyclone disaster in Myanmar. Food for the Hungry has been serving the church in Myanmar for a long time. They are on the ground there and have many long-standing relationships which allow for providing aid.
Food for the Hungry is also on the ground in China where it is actively providing assistance for earthquake victims. The FFH website has updates on both of these disaster fronts, and it provides an easy mechanism for individuals desiring to make donations to the relief efforts. The All Saints missions committee is also contributing funds to this work.
May 6, 2008
Thousands pronounced dead and millions left homeless
On early Saturday, May 3, Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar, also known as Burma, with wind speeds up to 120 mph, devouring coastal and inland regions. To date, over 22,000 have been pronounced dead, up to 40,000 people are missing and millions have been left homeless. It is feared the death toll will be much higher.
The damage caused by the cyclone is devastating:
- Entire villages have been destroyed – many communities in the worst
affected areas are reporting 90-95% damage . - Washed out roads have left
many people in remote, inaccessible areas - Vast rice-growing areas
have been washed out - Millions have been left homeless, in dire need
of food, water, medical care and shelter
Food for the Hungry is
partnering with local groups to provide emergency relief, providing
food, water and shelter. In addition, Food for the Hungry is uniquely
equipped to help with nearly 200 staff members and our Asia Regional
Center in neighboring Bangladesh. This is the team who swiftly and
expertly responded to Cyclone Sidr last November 2007. They are already
trained in effective disaster relief that both honors Christ and
respects the Myanmar/Burmese culture.
We Need Your Help
- Give.
We need to act now. Please give to fund our rapid response to help
those displaced by the cyclone. Your generous support of $50 or more is
greatly appreciated and allows Food for the Hungry to reach those in
dire need. www.fh.org - Pray.
Pray that God will give grace to relief workers as they reach out to
help those in need. Pray also that God will spare the lives and
livelihoods of the Burmese people.
I am constantly reminded of your
faithful generosity. Thank you for your prayers and support as we
respond with the love of Christ to help the displaced, hungry and
hurting in Myanmar.
Blessings in Christ,