Denominational Renewal
A few weeks ago Bill took part in A Conversation on Denominational Renewal in St. Louis. He joined a handful of other PCA pastors, each addressing a different aspect of their hopes for the church. Bill spoke on Worship, and…

Community New Start Easter Celebration
All Saints volunteers recently helped with the Community New Start Easter celebration at Pickle Elementary. Laura Gomez was one of the volunteers who helped with the party, and she shares the following thoughts about her experience."Let the little children come…

Thanksgiving & Hospitality
I was in Chicago this past weekend for an early bachelor party for a friend who is getting married in July. After nearly dying of wind chill (which I didn’t think possible until I was in the Windy City itself)…
Election in Christ
“Honor your father and mother that it might go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you…” Exodus 20 Joe Rightmyer is a father in the faith. He served for nine years as co-founder and…
Arts Wannabe
Last week’s Transforming Culture Arts conference hosted by the Hill Country Institute for Contemporary Christianity was a bittersweet experience for me. Sweet in that I got the chance be instructed by some extraordinarily wise brothers and sisters–Eugene Peterson, Lucy Shaw,…

Culture of the Table
This Sunday we gather around tables with our All Saints at the Table groups to eat together. Here are some thoughts from Mary Jane Grooms on the nature of hospitality: HOSPITALITY1. love of strangers2. love to strangers3. given to generous…