Redeemer Seminary Austin Video
Redeemer Seminary – Austin from Redeemer Seminary on Vimeo. If you have any questions about the seminary, email me at

Redeemer Seminary Needs Your Help
As I hope that many of you know, Austin has a new seminary. Last year Redeemer Seminary began seeking students and supporters in Austin to develop the resources necessary to offer a full M.Div. degree program with sufficient staff, faculty,…
Austin Has A New Seminary
Last March, my wife, Julianna, and I were planning a weekend trip to St. Louis to begin looking for places to live. We were about to move from Austin to St. Louis, so that I could begin a seminary degree…
Tim Keller at Covenant Seminary
"In November, Tim Keller, senior pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, visited the Covenant Seminary campus for a Q&A session with Dr. Bryan Chapell. Rev. Keller answered questions submitted by students and discussed topics ranging from church…
Casting lots for leaders?
During “Sunday School” this past week, we talked about “faithful interpretation, with all the saints, of scripture in the light of Christ.” “With all the saints” implies that as Christians we are not only aware of, but desirous to glean…