Why The Church Goes To church
When C.S. Lewis was (re)converted to Christianity he wrestled with the question of whether or not he would join and participate in the worship and life of a local church. He writes: I thought that I could do it on…

On Politics: How We Can Persevere
This article originally appeared in World magazine on October 28, 2006, entitled “Go Out and Vote: What Reformation Day can teach We the People about Election Day.” It is reproduced here with the permission of the author, Marvin Olasky, in anticipation…

Thorns and Thistles, by Marvin Olasky
Thorns and Thistles: Evangelicals should limit their expectations of—but not their participation in—politics, by Marvin Olasky (This article originally appeared in World Magazine on Sept. 25, 2010. It is reprinted here with Marvin Olasky’s permission in anticipation of his talks…

“Liberty Hill” by Marvin Olasky
Note: This article first appeared in WORLD Magazine on October 5, 2012. It is reprinted here with the permission of the author, Marvin Olasky, who is a former member of All Saints and also the speaker at the Cross and Culture…

Get a New Perspective on Missions
You are cordially invited to participate in God’s story. Is it not odd that our great God and Savior would give this world a multitude of languages and cultures and then give us the mandate to take the gospel to…

Growth in Grace is now Cross & Culture
Starting this winter our annual Growth in Grace conference will become our Cross & Culture series. The why behind the change is simple. The focus of these gatherings has always been engaging our culture. In the past we’ve considered film,…

On Suffering
Coming to Austin on Tuesday, September 25: Tullian Tchividjian will be at Austin Stone’s For the City Center to share the message of his soon-to-be-released book Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free. Tchividjian is a PCA pastor and writer in Ft. Lauderdale,…