Reflection for Good Friday
from Wendell Berry, A Timbered Choir, p. 25 “What hard travail God does in death! He strives in sleep, in our despair, And all flesh shudders underneath The nightmare of His sepulcher. The earth shakes, grinding its deep stone; All…

Reflection for Maundy Thursday
Jesus Getting Down and Dirty by William Willimon (Originally Published on March 8, 2013 at https://willwillimon.wordpress.com/2013/03/08/jesus-getting-down-and-dirty-lent-devotions/) Feet are literally the lowest, earthiest part of the body. “To put under the feet” was a humiliating gesture of the victor over the…

Reflection for Wednesday of Holy Week
“Small Prayer in a Hard Wind” by Christian Wiman “As through a long-abandoned half-standing house only someone lost could find, which, with its paneless windows and sagging crossbeams, its hundred crevices in which a hundred creatures hoard and nest, seems…