Community New Start Easter Celebration
All Saints volunteers recently helped with the Community New Start Easter celebration at Pickle Elementary. Laura Gomez was one of the volunteers who helped with the party, and she shares the following thoughts about her experience.
"Let the little children come to me…for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" (Mark 10:14) came to mind when I was with the children at the Community New Start (CNS) Easter party at Pickle Elementary. It was such a joy to see God’s love being expressed in a tangible way to these young children.
As I began my time with the Kinder and 1st grade students out on the playground, I couldn’t help but think back about being a school age child in South Texas. I thought how meaningful it would have been to receive the love of Christ through a program like Smart Start at that point in my life. As I was thinking about my past and the spiritual void I had, a young girl with beautiful long black hair and deep brown eyes came and began talking to me. It was as if the Lord was speaking to me through this beautiful, lively little girl. I was exactly where the Lord wanted me right then, sharing God’s amazing love and the miracle of our Risen Savior.
As I followed this group of kids through their activities, I
began to see their flourishing personalities. All had various levels of
interest and understanding of what Easter meant, but it was in
reading the Easter story with them that I saw their appetite for
God’s word. Some knew a lot, some knew a little and some seemed a little
indifferent but still interested. I could see and hear how the Smart
Start program was touching their lives. I wholeheartedly enjoyed our
interactions and discussions about the true meaning of Easter, and it was such
a blessing to be a part of that day.
As I reflected later about my experience, I thought about
how I wanted to be more involved with CNS. We
are praying right now how the Lord would have our family be a more
regular part of this ministry. I saw the city of God that sunny afternoon —
present in the diversity of these young "seeds" that need watering by
those of us who have a heart to share the love of Christ and His good news
with young children. Join me in praying how we the body of All
Saints can grow in our partnership with Community New Start in building
His kingdom.
There are so many ways to share God’s love through Community
New Start. To learn about these
opportunities, please contact Whitney McCollum at whitney@communitynewstart.org
or 371-9393.