“With God there is joy, and from him it comes down and seizes spirit, soul, and body. And where this joy has seized a person, it reaches out around itself, it pulls others along, it bursts through closed doors. There…
In Defense of Certainty
Certainty is on the rocks, and Charles Krauthammer is unhappy about it. In the June 1, 2005, edition of Time magazine, Mr. Krauthammer commented on the confirmation hearings then in session for William Pryor, formerly Attorney General of the state…
Three Kinds of Men, by C.S. Lewis
"There are three kinds of people in the world. The first class is of those who live simply for their own sake and pleasure, regarding Man and Nature as so much raw material to be cut up into whatever shape…

Summer Reading: Ron Hansen’s Exiles
Ron Hansen writes about exiles – people who find themselves on the outskirts of society for various reasons. Hansen’s first two novels, Desperadoes and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (now a movie) recount the stories…
How Reading the Bible Can Make You Liberal
Fear not! This isn’t another tirade on the proper mixing of religions and politics. It is instead a brief commentary on yet another odd academic study. To wit, the 2007 Baylor Religion Survey in which Americans were asked, among other…