On Politics: How We Can Persevere
This article originally appeared in World magazine on October 28, 2006, entitled “Go Out and Vote: What Reformation Day can teach We the People about Election Day.” It is reproduced here with the permission of the author, Marvin Olasky, in anticipation…

Thorns and Thistles, by Marvin Olasky
Thorns and Thistles: Evangelicals should limit their expectations of—but not their participation in—politics, by Marvin Olasky (This article originally appeared in World Magazine on Sept. 25, 2010. It is reprinted here with Marvin Olasky’s permission in anticipation of his talks…

Growth in Grace is now Cross & Culture
Starting this winter our annual Growth in Grace conference will become our Cross & Culture series. The why behind the change is simple. The focus of these gatherings has always been engaging our culture. In the past we’ve considered film,…
Schaeffer, Franky, and Bachmann
This month there have been three articles published, each of which deals with three persons, one of whom—the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer—was a friend and teacher of mine. The articles in order appeared in The New Yorker (“Leap of Faith”…
Politics and the Gospel
In the minds of many “politics” is a dirty word, in part because in the modern era we’ve reduced “politics” to “involvement in the government”. Originally it meant much more. The Greek word “polis” is “city”, so broadly defined “politics”…
Political Gap
Now available online is byFaith magazine’s article on politics and Christianity, The Political Gap That Divides Generations. Don’t miss the podcast interview at the end of the article in which Richard Doster and Greg Thompson (pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church…
How Reading the Bible Can Make You Liberal
Fear not! This isn’t another tirade on the proper mixing of religions and politics. It is instead a brief commentary on yet another odd academic study. To wit, the 2007 Baylor Religion Survey in which Americans were asked, among other…