All Saints Meal Ministry
Joel and I had our first child, beautiful Ruth Elizabeth, last November, and soon after we brought her home, I thought, “Hmmm…It’s going to be a while before I can do the things I used to, and it may never…

Saving the best for last
"Human beings drink because we want to be known, and because we are afraid of being known. We drink because we want to know, and because we are afraid to know." We’ve shared thoughts on both wine and Andy Crouch…

Feed My People
If you’ve been in Austin long, you’ve probably interacted in some way with our city’s sizable homeless population. The Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department estimates there are about 3,625 homeless individuals here on any given day. We have…

The Proximity of Love
Christians are interested in the relationship between form and content. We trust that when Jesus took bread (not grain, but bread) and a cup of wine (not grapes, or even grape juice), he knew exactly what he was doing. He…

Thanksgiving & Hospitality
I was in Chicago this past weekend for an early bachelor party for a friend who is getting married in July. After nearly dying of wind chill (which I didn’t think possible until I was in the Windy City itself)…