Fall Financial Class; by Ryan Motola
Have you ever played the prosperity game? It’s a mental exercise that asks how you would spend ever increasing amounts of money. Here’s how it works. Each day, for twenty days, you receive a sum of money and you must…
Absence of Mind
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Marilynne Robinson www.thedailyshow.com Marilynne Robinson's new book, Absence of Mind: The Dispelling of Inwardness from the Modern Myth of the Self, is a collection of lectures she delivered at Yale last year. You can…
Spring picnic photo album
The Spring picnic, in pictures: Picnic, May 2010.
City School Work Day
This past Saturday, 15-20 men from All Saints spent the day serving our friends at City School. We did some general landscaping and grounds maintenance, but our main project was building a deck behind their administrative building (if you are…
Growth in Grace photo album, 2010
Ralph Wood – Learning to Love & Appreciate Good Literature. GALLERY Women's Luncheon
pool party photo album
The pool party turns five. Thanks to everyone who came, and thanks to Alison and Melissa for taking some pictures. See them all here.
Knowing is for living
For 9 weeks this summer (June 7-August 2) we'll consider together the fundamentals of "Reformed" Christian doctrine using Sinclair Ferguson's book, The Christian Life, as our guide. The books ($5) are available on the book table, and everyone is invited…