1) What’s the weirdest question you’ve ever asked Siri? How did she respond? 2) Did you find Her romantic, creepy, melancholy, or hopeful? Feel free to insert your own favorite adjective here if none of these work. 3) The first…
Back in 1950s, when the best computer in the world lacked the power of your old laptop, British mathematician/philosopher Alan Turing anticipated a day in which this would no longer be so. In his paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” he…
Momento mori. This ancient Latin phrase means, “Remember (you have to) die.” It sounds very similar to the statement said to worshippers on Ash Wednesday as the pastor or priest smudges ashes on their forehead in the shape of the…
When C.S. Lewis was (re)converted to Christianity he wrestled with the question of whether or not he would join and participate in the worship and life of a local church. He writes: I thought that I could do it on…
All may. None must. Some should. That was the challenge Tim left us with on Sunday. Orphans aren’t the only ministry to which Christians are called, but a closer look at the scriptures reveals just how important they are to…
What does this movie leave you thinking about? What images from the film linger most vividly in your mind? Pi presents himself as a Hindu/Christian/ Muslim. Despite the criticism he receives from his family for his “conversions” Pi himself is…
Who is God? Ask a secular friend and his/her answers may surprise you. Yes, it is possible to be secular and a deist. According to Christian Smith, Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at Notre…