Now available online is byFaith magazine’s article on politics and Christianity, The Political Gap That Divides Generations. Don’t miss the podcast interview at the end of the article in which Richard Doster and Greg Thompson (pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church…
Bildungsroman (bildung=“formation” + roman=”story”) – A novel whose principal subject is the moral, psychological, and intellectual development of a usually youthful main character. ( I should have guessed that there was a German word for the “coming-of-age novel.” Bildungsroman. “Formation…
This discussion and Q & A session offers an excellent overview of the question of women and their relationship, biblically and historically, to the office of deacon. It also serves as a commendatory illustration of how to deal with a…
What was the first experience of beauty you remember? When a friend asked me the question years ago, my first answer was “I grew up in Alabama. We didn’t have any beauty!.” But that would be wrong. Even in the…
Do you ever get the nagging sense that you're on the outside looking in – at school, at work, at church, in your city, in the world? Somewhere there's a comfortable inner circle – where everyone knows each other, where…
Certainty is on the rocks, and Charles Krauthammer is unhappy about it. In the June 1, 2005, edition of Time magazine, Mr. Krauthammer commented on the confirmation hearings then in session for William Pryor, formerly Attorney General of the state…
I have a friend who advises against purchasing any Bible with a black cover. Black-spined Bibles, he explains, seem to peer down accusingly from your bookshelf saying, "You SHOULD be reading me right now. Shouldn't you?" (He recommends brown, genuine…