Admittedly, updates to this page have been a little slow lately. We’re averaging about one post per week. But we’re still at it. We have been working on a digest (or small journal of sorts) on the 7 Deadly Sins…
From Beautiful Angle – Tacoma, Washington.
It’s not like the late ‘90s were suffering from an absence of quality Christian musicians. Neutral Milk Hotel, coming out of Louisiana, released their acclaimed In the Aeroplane, Over the Sea, which remains required listening for any fan of independent…
Based on what I've heard from both Melissa and Bill, the All About All Saints membership class has enjoyed a good conversation about the role of women in the church – substantial and also gracious. That seems to be mostly…
As mentioned earlier, one of the primary sources lending structure to our study of the 7 Deadly Sins this Fall is Glittering Vices: A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins and Their Remedies, by Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung. Christianity Today…
As was mentioned in the sermon last Sunday (and as evidenced on the map below), the 7 Deadly Sins show up everywhere – from Dante to Gilligan’s Island. So far a handful of books have been most helpful in lending…
As we begin our look at the 7 Deadly Sins this Sunday, it might help to take a broader view. To see where we fit on the map. Wired magazine shared some recent work from Kansas State that offers a…