Reading Peter Hitchens' comments on the power of poetry (see Hitchens & Hitchens below) reminded me of John Updike's beautiful "Seven Stanzas at Easter." He wrote it when he was 28 for his church's Religious Arts Festival and won the…
“I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” (Luke 19:40) Jesus’ stones crying out always brings to mind Annie Dillard’s essay “Teaching a Stone to Talk”: “The island where I live is peopled with cranks…
“I set fire to my Bible on the playing fields of my Cambridge boarding school one bright, windy spring afternoon in 196. I was 15 years old. The book did not, as I had hoped, blaze fiercely and swiftly.” So…
Seen the movie? Read the review. Consider the following: What did watching "Avatar" leave you thinking about? Discuss your first impressions here, not your considered conclusions about the film. On one hand "Avatar" is an other-wordly fantasy. On the other…
-photo by Daniel Payne "… the experience of faith and the experience of beauty are in some measure identical." Van Ogden Vogt Roger Scruton, in The High Cost of Ignoring Beauty, suggests there are two ways to view beauty: as…
This past Saturday, 15-20 men from All Saints spent the day serving our friends at City School. We did some general landscaping and grounds maintenance, but our main project was building a deck behind their administrative building (if you are…
If the review of "A Serious Man" below piqued your interest in watching the movie, here are some questions you might consider for your own, personal reflection; or, better yet, for discussion with friends. What were you thinking about as…