It wasn’t until Monday morning that I realized how big a day last Sunday was for our church. Two Sundays ago, on August 16, we commissioned our first church plant and had a spectacular celebratory picnic, highlighted by a dunk tank, bounce house,…

from Wendell Berry, A Timbered Choir, p. 25 “What hard travail God does in death! He strives in sleep, in our despair, And all flesh shudders underneath The nightmare of His sepulcher. The earth shakes, grinding its deep stone; All…

Jesus Getting Down and Dirty by William Willimon (Originally Published on March 8, 2013 at https://willwillimon.wordpress.com/2013/03/08/jesus-getting-down-and-dirty-lent-devotions/) Feet are literally the lowest, earthiest part of the body. “To put under the feet” was a humiliating gesture of the victor over the…

“Small Prayer in a Hard Wind” by Christian Wiman “As through a long-abandoned half-standing house only someone lost could find, which, with its paneless windows and sagging crossbeams, its hundred crevices in which a hundred creatures hoard and nest, seems…

From Dorothy Sayers, “Strong Meat” “In contending with the problem of evil it is useless to try to escape either from the bad past or into the good past. The only way to deal with the past is to accept…

by Jennifer Lind Unlike many chocolate-forsaken Lenten seasons of my childhood, this year I’ve been meditating on the responses of Jesus during his time in the wilderness as recorded in Matthew 4:1-11. Christ’s triple refutation of the devil during his…