All Saints has been blessed to have Zack and Molly Stanton and their children, Conner, Shepherd, and Julia, in our body for the past several years. Like a number of All Saints members, Zack has been pursuing a graduate degree at UT and recently received his doctorate in music composition. While at UT and serving in All Saints’ worship ministry, Zack has been working on a number of compositions, one of which, Triple Venti Latte, was chosen by the Austin Symphony to be premiered this coming Friday and Saturday evenings at 8PM at the Long Center for Performing Arts.

Do You Have A Smart Phone?

Our family recently got smart phones.  Yes, I know, everyone  has had one for years.  But the Kummerers are always a little slow on the technological uptake.  We still have a TV with a converter box, because our set is…

All Saints Hymns Update

David Lutes and All Saints Hymns were honored to have Be Thou My Vision, from the recent hymns album Singing Stones chosen for Cardiphonia’s Hymns for the Ascension compilation, released on May 22.  Cardiphonia, a collective of worship directors, musicians, producers,…

Review of Sonya Menges' Art Gallery

Sonya Menges’ recent work is up for viewing at the Hill House, which has graciously turned itself into a gallery to host her show.  You’ve probably heard Sonya’s name floating around church recently, with a display at St. Gabriel’s for…

May 4th Hill House Concert, featuring Jake Armerding and Kevin Gosa

  The Boston Globe calls Jake Armerding “the most gifted and promising songwriter to emerge from the Boston folk scene in years.” Armerding grew up playing classical violin and listening to 80’s pop radio. He is the author of five…

How Do We "Walk Along Side" One Another?

In her letter to the congregation posted earlier this week, Melissa said that “our desire is to develop a culture . . . where those in need receive care, and we are able to minister by bearing one another’s burdens.” …