Discussion Questions for The Life of Pi
What does this movie leave you thinking about? What images from the film linger most vividly in your mind? Pi presents himself as a Hindu/Christian/ Muslim. Despite the criticism he receives from his family for his “conversions” Pi himself is…
A Theology of the Imagination: a review of The Life of Pi
Who is God? Ask a secular friend and his/her answers may surprise you. Yes, it is possible to be secular and a deist. According to Christian Smith, Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at Notre…
Peru Missions Trip June 21-28
On June 21 fourteen fathers and sons will board a plane for Trujillo, Peru where we will assist with the construction of a Christian school for Cristo Restaurador Presbyterian Church. We are encouraged and excited about the opportunity…
Sonya Berg’s Redefines Art – Austin Chronicle Review
http://www.austinchronicle.com/arts/2013-03-29/sonya-berg/ The Austin Chronicle Review ‘Sonya Berg’ In her show at Tiny Park Gallery, Berg’s painted-over photographic collages vividly, beautifully, redefine art Reviewed by Wayne Alan Brenner, Fri., March 29, 2013 Exit, by Sonya Berg ‘Sonya Berg’ Tiny Park Gallery,…

Staying Connected Through Prayer
On March 17th All Saints said farewell to the McReynolds, blessing them in the work they are doing in Madagascar. Though an ocean apart we continue our support through prayer. Bryan shares some thoughts with us…

The Sunday of the Passion- Palm Sunday
“Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’” (Mt. 21:5) “The Donkey” By G.K. Chesterton “When fishes…

Redeemer Seminary Community Lecture: Sinclair Ferguson
“True repentance is firm and constant, and makes us war with the evil that is in us, not for a day or a week, but without end and without intermission.” -John Calvin Last Wednesday evening I had the pleasure of…