Being Joseph
(This article was originally published in Every Thought Captive, a weekly devotional from Park Cities Presbyterian Church.) “Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came…
He Always Goes First
(This article was originally posted on October 30, 2014 by Kim Hall on her blog, Given Breath.) This week I was asked (again) to explain my views, as a Christian, on same-sex unions and the church. It’s notable that I’ve not been asked…

E45 Backpack Project Recap
E45 is All Saints’ ministry to children in 3rd-5th grade. We desire for it to be a place where our children learn that they are loved by God and will invite their friends and neighbors to share in this truth…

The Meaningful Mess of Membership – Part 3
In this last post my hope is that church membership would be seen as a meaningful and necessary aspect of Christian life flowing out of our identity in Christ and Christ’s purpose for us. Identity: Body of Christ & Family…

The Meaningful Mess of Membership – Part 2
In the second of three posts on church membership I want to take a closer look at some of the cultural factors that contribute to our hesitancy in committing to a local church – some are the product of legitimate…

The Meaningful Mess of Membership – Part 1
Membership has fallen on hard times. Throughout American history membership in a local church was unquestioned and largely viewed as a great privilege, but today it has fallen into disrepute. Fewer than half of Americans who regularly attend church services…

Why Plant Churches.
In my sermon this past Sunday I mentioned something that strikes fear into the hearts of some, while filling others with great excitement – church planting. This idea has circulated in, through, and around our church for years, since our…