Changing Hearts/Saving Lives
Earlier this fall 13 All Saints members attended the Texas Alliance for Life (TAL) banquet featuring Dr. Richard Land. All Saints member Dr. Mike Love generously provided a table at the banquet, which attracted 1,000 people. We learned of TALs…

The Shack
In the book of Judges, chapter 6, the angel of the Lord comes to Gideon as he is threshing wheat, hiding from the enemy Midianites. The angel tells Gideon that the Lord is with him. Gideon’s reply: "But sir, if…

Freedom and Discipline
I took piano lessons for three years, trumpet for two; I have been playing bass since my sophomore year of high school and I can barely read the treble clef, and the bass might as well be Sanskrit. It’s not…

All Saints Fellows Program
So, All Saints has a Fellows Program. “We do?” you might ask. Others of you may have known that fact, but are more interested in remarking “What does it do?” Well, allow me to explain what the Fellows Program entails,…

Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo
Having folks over for dinner usually involves a meal plan of sorts. But I learned the essence of hospitality from an old woman who on the spur of the moment invited 4 young GI’s to her home for lunch one…

5th Anniversary Picnic
The All Saints 5th year anniversary took place last Sunday, October 26. Thanks to Amanda Calhoun and Terri McClendon for organizing; and to everyone else who helped out on Sunday. We’ve posted a new photo album from the picnic over…

All Saints Meal Ministry
Joel and I had our first child, beautiful Ruth Elizabeth, last November, and soon after we brought her home, I thought, “Hmmm…It’s going to be a while before I can do the things I used to, and it may never…