Review of Sonya Menges’ Art Gallery
Sonya Menges’ recent work is up for viewing at the Hill House, which has graciously turned itself into a gallery to host her show. You’ve probably heard Sonya’s name floating around church recently, with a display at St. Gabriel’s for…

May 4th Hill House Concert, featuring Jake Armerding and Kevin Gosa
The Boston Globe calls Jake Armerding “the most gifted and promising songwriter to emerge from the Boston folk scene in years.” Armerding grew up playing classical violin and listening to 80’s pop radio. He is the author of five…

Labor Of Prayer: Art Of Sonya Berg Menges
The top of the clock tower in the center of town was my favorite spot for inspiration and prayer during the semester I spent in Orvieto, Italy. From the highest point in the quaint medieval city I watched the sunset…
Discussion questions for The Sunset Limited
1) What are you thinking about as The Sunset Limited ends? First impressions are what we’re after here, not considered opinions. Spit out what’s on your mind without pausing too long to consider why it’s there. 2) One of the…

Begging the Question: a review of The Sunset Limited
“To be, or not to be, that is the question…” Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1. I admit it: Cormac McCarthy fascinates me. Ever since I stumbled across No Country For Old Men in an airport bookstore seven years ago,…

eat these books
John Perkins hosts Grace And The Table: A Theology of Food, on January 28. Here, he briefly recommends three books that helped shape his own “theology of food.” For The Life Of The World, Alexander Schmemann This book, along with…
Why Do We Need Art In Worship?
“We do not merely want to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words – to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it,…