The PSC video
All Saints Austin from All Saints Austin on Vimeo.
Discussion questions for The Tree of Life
What lingers in your mind after your first viewing of The Tree of Life? If images, which ones? If events, which events? If words, which words? Early in TOL we hear Mrs. O’Brien in a voice-over say, “The nuns taught…

A Picture in Need of Words: a review of The Tree of Life
Remember the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words?” It’s not true. Take Terrence Malick’s latest film, The Tree of Life, for example.

Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie, and … the Rule of Law? A review of The Conspirator
I remember when my email inbox began filling with the messages: “Ground Zero Mosque”, “You Can Build Your Mosque at Ground Zero When We Can Build Our Synagogue at Mecca,” and “Building a Mosque at Ground Zero Is Like Building…
Discussion Questions for The Social Network
1) While they’re still fresh, discuss your first impressions of The Social Network. What images or dialogue from the film linger in your mind? What does it leave you thinking about? 2) One reviewer dubbed TSN, Five Angry Men. Who…
Christmas movie magic
Somewhere down the line on the list of things that make Christmas special and unique – you know, after Jesus, family, etc. – is one my favorite holiday traditions: Christmas movies. The ubiquitous, unavoidable and unrelenting barrage of Christmas movies….