A Review of Obvious Child
“Good Morning!” said Bilbo, and he meant it. .. “What do you mean?” Gandalf said. “Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you…

Portrait of an Artist in Exile: a review of Searching for Sugar Man
If you plan to see Searching for Sugar Man, please, stop reading this and watch the film first. Most films, in my opinion, should be viewed without introduction, if at all possible, but none more so than this. Should you…

Horridly Pretentious: a review of Prometheus
Imagine you awake one morning to find yourself trapped in a grade B horror movie. Realizing where you are is easy because all the classic signs are evident, from things that go bump in the night, to scantily clad young women pursued (and worse) by monsters, and lots of really dumb people– clueless in the face of obvious danger – who act as if they haven’t the sense that God gave geese. Try as you will, you can’t escape; it’s not a nightmare that can be banished merely by waking up. How many times must you ask, “Who are we? What is our purpose?” before your cheap flick turns into something more?

The Power of Prayer
Tonight at Hill House (2104 Nueces 78705), Mary Beth Minnis, All Saints member and film producer, will be presenting her first short film, “Grace Walking,” which she produced for Campus Crusade ministry. She’ll also talk about how God used this film to involve her in the current efforts to produce a major film version of “Left to Tell,” Immaculee Ilibagiza’s miraculous story of survival during the Rwandan genocide. Mary Beth is working with producer Steve McEveety (who also produced “Braveheart” and “The Passion of the Christ”) and others to raise funds and awareness about the story and project, including simply by encouraging those she meets to pray.
Please join us and thousands around the world in praying for Mary Beth, Immaculee and the others behind this project and also make plans to attend tonight’s screening, which will include dinner, fellowship, and additional screenings of Steve McAveety’s film reel and an interview that Immaculee gave to CBS’s Harry Smith. Dinner begins at 7pm, followed by the screenings and a Q and A with Mary Beth. Please RSVP to me, if you’d like to attend.
Discussion questions for The Sunset Limited
1) What are you thinking about as The Sunset Limited ends? First impressions are what we’re after here, not considered opinions. Spit out what’s on your mind without pausing too long to consider why it’s there. 2) One of the…

Begging the Question: a review of The Sunset Limited
“To be, or not to be, that is the question…” Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1. I admit it: Cormac McCarthy fascinates me. Ever since I stumbled across No Country For Old Men in an airport bookstore seven years ago,…
The Real Test: a Review of Ex Machina
“To be or not to be- that is the question.” Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1 Things were changing when Mortimer Adler published his The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes in 1966. The centuries-old belief that there is…