Beauty and Desecration
What was the first experience of beauty you remember? When a friend asked me the question years ago, my first answer was “I grew up in Alabama. We didn’t have any beauty!.” But that would be wrong. Even in the…
In Defense of Certainty
Certainty is on the rocks, and Charles Krauthammer is unhappy about it. In the June 1, 2005, edition of Time magazine, Mr. Krauthammer commented on the confirmation hearings then in session for William Pryor, formerly Attorney General of the state…
Why debates are a good idea (and a bad idea, too)
Some debates never end. Most of the endless ones are pointless, too. Aggies or Longhorns? County Line or Rudy’s? Hymns or praise songs? Momo’s or Cactus Café? In our heads we care about them, but deep down in our hearts,…
Seven Stanzas at Easter
Make no mistake: if He rose at all it was as His body; if the cells' dissolution did not reverse, the molecules reknit, the amino acids rekindle, the Church will fall. It was not as the flowers, each soft Spring…
Discussion questions for Doubt
If the review of Doubt below piqued your interest in watching the movie, here are some questions you might consider for your own, personal reflection; or, better yet, for discussion with friends. What were you thinking about as the film…
Suspecting Certainty: a review of Doubt
“Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know.” –Montaigne How do you feel about people who are certain? Do you find them attractive, admirable, encouraging? Or do you tend to suspect their character, their motives? How you answer…
3 questions with Richard Winter
Dr. Richard Winter joins us next Friday for our annual Growth in Grace Conference. He’ll be talking about perfectionism. Tickets are selling out fast, so be sure to purchase them at the book table this Sunday or call the church…