Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie, and … the Rule of Law? A review of The Conspirator
I remember when my email inbox began filling with the messages: “Ground Zero Mosque”, “You Can Build Your Mosque at Ground Zero When We Can Build Our Synagogue at Mecca,” and “Building a Mosque at Ground Zero Is Like Building…
Discussion Questions for The Social Network
1) While they’re still fresh, discuss your first impressions of The Social Network. What images or dialogue from the film linger in your mind? What does it leave you thinking about? 2) One reviewer dubbed TSN, Five Angry Men. Who…
The Social Network
At the end of their 1979 ode-to-nihilism, The Wall, Pink Floyd, after dismissing most of the things we turn to for comfort—school, work, love, sex, politics—as “just another brick in the wall,” gave themselves an out in the album’s last…
Meet the Speaker
Vigen Guroian is Professor of Religious Studies in Orthodox Christianity at the University of Virginia. He’s the author of nine books and has contributed over 200 articles to journals, magazines, books, and newspaper on subjects from liturgy to bioethics….
Discussion questions for The King’s Speech
1) What are your first impressions of the film? First impressions aren’t considered conclusions; they’re what you’re left thinking of in the moments after the film ends. 2) Contrast the brothers, David and Albert. How are they similar; in what…
The King’s Speech
“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them”. William Shakespeare in Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V In January of 1936 King George V of England died, leaving the…