Failing the Test: a review of Her

Back in 1950s, when the best computer in the world lacked the power of your old laptop, British mathematician/philosopher Alan Turing anticipated a day in which this would no longer be so. In his paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” he…

Discussion Questions for The Life of Pi

 What does this movie leave you thinking about?  What images from the film linger most vividly in your mind?   Pi presents himself as a Hindu/Christian/ Muslim. Despite the criticism he receives from his family for his “conversions” Pi himself is…

An Invitation to a Hill House Lecture

  You are cordially invited to a very special lecture this Thursday evening at Hill House (2104 Nueces St, Austin, 78705). Udo Middelmann is Executive Director of the Francis Schaeffer Foundation, CSGE International Scholar in Residence at Nyack College (New…