Failing the Test: a review of Her
Back in 1950s, when the best computer in the world lacked the power of your old laptop, British mathematician/philosopher Alan Turing anticipated a day in which this would no longer be so. In his paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” he…
Discussion Questions for The Life of Pi
What does this movie leave you thinking about? What images from the film linger most vividly in your mind? Pi presents himself as a Hindu/Christian/ Muslim. Despite the criticism he receives from his family for his “conversions” Pi himself is…
A Theology of the Imagination: a review of The Life of Pi
Who is God? Ask a secular friend and his/her answers may surprise you. Yes, it is possible to be secular and a deist. According to Christian Smith, Director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at Notre…
An Invitation to a Hill House Lecture
You are cordially invited to a very special lecture this Thursday evening at Hill House (2104 Nueces St, Austin, 78705). Udo Middelmann is Executive Director of the Francis Schaeffer Foundation, CSGE International Scholar in Residence at Nyack College (New…

On Politics: How We Can Persevere
This article originally appeared in World magazine on October 28, 2006, entitled “Go Out and Vote: What Reformation Day can teach We the People about Election Day.” It is reproduced here with the permission of the author, Marvin Olasky, in anticipation…

Portrait of an Artist in Exile: a review of Searching for Sugar Man
If you plan to see Searching for Sugar Man, please, stop reading this and watch the film first. Most films, in my opinion, should be viewed without introduction, if at all possible, but none more so than this. Should you…

Thorns and Thistles, by Marvin Olasky
Thorns and Thistles: Evangelicals should limit their expectations of—but not their participation in—politics, by Marvin Olasky (This article originally appeared in World Magazine on Sept. 25, 2010. It is reprinted here with Marvin Olasky’s permission in anticipation of his talks…