Sonya Berg’s Redefines Art – Austin Chronicle Review The Austin Chronicle Review ‘Sonya Berg’ In her show at Tiny Park Gallery, Berg’s painted-over photographic collages vividly, beautifully, redefine art Reviewed by Wayne Alan Brenner, Fri., March 29, 2013 Exit, by Sonya Berg ‘Sonya Berg’ Tiny Park Gallery,…

Staying Connected Through Prayer
On March 17th All Saints said farewell to the McReynolds, blessing them in the work they are doing in Madagascar. Though an ocean apart we continue our support through prayer. Bryan shares some thoughts with us…

The Sunday of the Passion- Palm Sunday
“Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’” (Mt. 21:5) “The Donkey” By G.K. Chesterton “When fishes…

Redeemer Seminary Community Lecture: Sinclair Ferguson
“True repentance is firm and constant, and makes us war with the evil that is in us, not for a day or a week, but without end and without intermission.” -John Calvin Last Wednesday evening I had the pleasure of…
An Invitation to a Hill House Lecture
You are cordially invited to a very special lecture this Thursday evening at Hill House (2104 Nueces St, Austin, 78705). Udo Middelmann is Executive Director of the Francis Schaeffer Foundation, CSGE International Scholar in Residence at Nyack College (New…

On Politics: How We Can Persevere
This article originally appeared in World magazine on October 28, 2006, entitled “Go Out and Vote: What Reformation Day can teach We the People about Election Day.” It is reproduced here with the permission of the author, Marvin Olasky, in anticipation…

Portrait of an Artist in Exile: a review of Searching for Sugar Man
If you plan to see Searching for Sugar Man, please, stop reading this and watch the film first. Most films, in my opinion, should be viewed without introduction, if at all possible, but none more so than this. Should you…