Letter From Melissa Kummerer
On Sunday, we welcomed 51 people into membership at All Saints, and baptized 12 children. It is pretty easy to see this evidence of growth and blessing at All Saints, as we move toward our 9th birthday in September. But…
Why Do We Need Art In Worship?
“We do not merely want to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words – to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it,…

Labor Of Prayer: Art Of Sonya Berg Menges
The top of the clock tower in the center of town was my favorite spot for inspiration and prayer during the semester I spent in Orvieto, Italy. From the highest point in the quaint medieval city I watched the sunset…
How Do We “Walk Along Side” One Another?
In her letter to the congregation posted earlier this week, Melissa said that “our desire is to develop a culture . . . where those in need receive care, and we are able to minister by bearing one another’s burdens.” …