Begging the Question: a review of The Sunset Limited
“To be, or not to be, that is the question…” Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1. I admit it: Cormac McCarthy fascinates me. Ever since I stumbled across No Country For Old Men in an airport bookstore seven years ago,…

On Keeping a Holy Lent
by: Pastor Craig Higgins http://www.trinitychurch.cc/Resources-For-Lent People from different religious backgrounds have very different reactions to the season of Lent. Some grow up in churches where Lent is observed, but with little to no real explanation. Whether observed as a time…
Lent, Ash Wednesday, and All Saints
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and All Saints is offering two worship services so that, as a church, we may become more fully like the people spoken of by Jesus in his Beatitudes – “the poor in spirit,” “those who mourn,”…