“A razor’s-edge experience”
“After the age of forty, every man is responsible for his own face.” “In the logic of high technology, the fundamental premise is our incapacity. We are tired, fuzzy (in mind and face), and in need of a simple, safe,…

Peru Parish Woodshop Project; by Brad Ball
From the very beginning of Peru Mission in 1998, the theme of our work has been to help plant churches and develop Christian communities that minister to all areas of society. Following Christ’s example, our hope is to see the…

Dream Jobs
I’ve had some great jobs in my life. I worked at summer camp both as a cook and counselor. Where else can you instigate a major food fight and not get fired? In the process I’ve learned flour is the…

Tell it slant
It’s no surprise that we consider Eugene Peterson a friend at All Saints. His writing continues to encourage us towards a more intentional and deliberate maturity in Christ over time. It seems like every new book he publishes finds its…

Seven Times He Ran Washing
As many of you know, Sufjan Stevens is one of my favorite musicians. So it’s no surprise that I have had Sufjan lyrics running through my head all day. The line that keeps repeating itself to me is from The…

Alexander, we hardly knew ye.
Dare we allow the death of Alexander Solzhenitsyn yesterday pass unnoticed? His journey from adored Soviet dissident to reviled critic of the west was such an important milestone of my younger years, its hard to believe that today the vast…

Summer Classics; by Toddy Burton
Experiences, generally speaking, are more fun when shared. Fundamentally, the reason seems obvious: we’re all created in the image a triune God who exists in a constant state of relationship. So, no duh, of course we like to be with…