The Greeks hate me; by Garrett Lathan
Hello brothers and sisters back in Austin, I write this across the table from a giant stack of Greek flashcards. It is towering and chock full of strange letters, long words, and frightening grammar rules all of which reflect the…

Feed My People
If you’ve been in Austin long, you’ve probably interacted in some way with our city’s sizable homeless population. The Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department estimates there are about 3,625 homeless individuals here on any given day. We have…

Adults Only!? What’s up with that?
I get asked this all the time, even by folks who attend our twice-monthly group. Adults Only! is an opportunity for people to gather for study and fellowship in a setting that lends itself to being able to carry on…

Denominational Renewal Forum
Back in February Bill took part in A Conversation on Denominational Renewal in St. Louis. He joined a handful of other PCA pastors, each addressing a different aspect of their hopes for the church. You can still hear all the…

Interview: Andrée Seu
You’ve probably heard that Andrée Seu, a regular columnist for World Magazine, is coming in November to speak at our women’s retreat. Some of you are saying, “wow, amazing, can’t wait!” Others are saying, “who??” Andrée has graciously granted permission…

Stand Up 2 Cancer (SU2C)
“This is where the end of cancer begins. When together we become a force unmistakable; A movement undeniable; A light that cannot dim. When we take our wild impossible dreams and make them possible; make them true. When together we…

Ask, Receive, Disbelieve, by Andrée Seu
Ten years ago I was diagnosed with cancer, had major surgery to remove it, and have had follow-up scans since then, including the one that resulted in more cancer surgery last spring. With 30 or so CTs and MRIs under…