Saving the best for last

Saving the best for last

"Human beings drink because we want to be known, and because we are afraid of being known. We drink because we want to know, and because we are afraid to know."

We’ve shared thoughts on both wine and Andy Crouch before.  Now we combine the two by offering an article on alcohol written by Andy Crouch, The Pleasures and Perils of Fermentation.

Originally delivered as a speech during a Christian college Alcohol Awareness Week, Crouch considers Genesis 9 (Noah gets drunk), John 2 (Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding party), and University of Michigan football.  Crouch uses these stories to show how our supposedly individual choices regarding drinks actually have far-reaching communal effects. When should one drink?  When should one not drink?  How much is appropriate?  How often?  What is healthy? What is good?  Crouch offers this:

"The crucial question for all our moral choices can be put this way:  Which story are we joining?  Which story are we joining with our choices?  Are we joining the story of shame, or the story of grace?  Are we joining the story of anonymity and loneliness, or the story of restoration and community?"