The Greeks hate me; by Garrett Lathan
Hello brothers and sisters back in Austin,
I write this across the table from a giant stack of Greek flashcards. It is towering and chock full of strange letters, long words, and frightening grammar rules all of which reflect the guiding principal our Greek Professor Brad Matthews told us to help us in studying the Biblical Greek: “Just remember, the Greeks hate you.” Seriously though, studying Greek has been a wonderful experience so far, and one I am actually enjoying.
First I want to thank all of you for your kind support of Sara and me while we attend Covenant Seminary. I can’t tell you how much All Saints’ support – from prayer, to checks from the missions committee, to the personal notes included on those checks – means to us. By the way, some of that money put a new clutch in my car when it broke down on the way to work last month.
The last thing about it I’ll say (and I hope this makes sense) is that
your support is more than just money. It is also a sign to us that God
cares for his people, and that He is worth trusting for everything in
our lives. He knows, He cares and He is in charge; freeing us to focus
upon Christ and His work and to be truly satisfied, not in beating the
pressures of this life, but in worshipping the one who already overcame
them for us – Jesus Christ.
We are doing well. Sara has a great job at a custom frame shop and art
gallery called, coincidentally enough, Art and Frame Gallery. She loves
her job as a designer and essentially designs the finished product for
the customer (someone else makes it…she might get to learn how). I am
taking classes and washing windows part time for a window washing and
janitorial business owned by a former seminarian, Paul Cagle.
Please pray for us that we might really soak things up in our time here
and be transformed and outfitted for further service in God’s
Kingdom…whatever good and whatever painful things that might entail.
But especially pray that we might learn to just simply love and worship
Jesus Christ for all the reasons he has given us to love and worship
Again, many thanks. We will probably see all of you in October when we return to Austin over my fall break. We
look forward to seeing you then.
Garrett and Sara Lathan